As usual, the winter brought its usual struggle of bouncing up on the scale. The bounces kept winning. So I've decided, this year it is my turn to win. I absolutely will hit my final goal (or I will be very close to it). How I will do that - well, we'll find out. Where there's a will, there's a way - and I have the will to do it! I'm going to crack my own personal fat loss code, break the plateau, shake this booty off, enter Onederland - and stay there!
Incidentally, this May 3rd marks the third year since I learned how to low-carb and keep at it. While I had great success for the first 6.5 months, I never hit final goal, despite my best efforts. Third time's the charm, or so they say. :)
Besides, I have another great incentive: This December marks the silver wedding anniversary of the dh and I. I can't believe it myself - where did that time go? The dh and I had a beautiful wedding Mass and a small reception, but we never had a honeymoon. In my humble opinion, after 25 years, 6 children, lots of joys but also many sorrows, he and I should have a honeymoon. For myself, I'd be thrilled for just one week away alone with the hubby, something like the Carribean, Aruba, whatever - just a beautiful island with lots of blue, blue water. So that's my secret hope.
Realistically, it's just a pipe dream, really, since we're not rich people and I really can't see how we'd manage to afford such a trip. Still, I am hoping and planning that we can manage something special for our silver anniversary.
That reminds me! I'm trying to remember where I tucked away my wedding dress (and how in the world could I forget something like that?). I've seen couples who renew their wedding vows and I've seen brides who still fit into their wedding gowns 25 years later. I think that could be my ultimate anniversary goal, eh?
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